Picnic in the Park
Tuesday, August 18th, 6 PM
Tuesday, August 18th, 6 PM
Join us at the Canalside Shelter in Genesee Valley Park for a fun get-together. We'll have a potluck picnic, games, biking/walking on the canal path, fellowship and evening devotions.
We’ll provide grilled hotdogs and lemonade, you bring your favorite dish to share.
Just let us know you’re coming by Monday afternoon, so we can buy enough hotdogs! 442-1018/christopher@cjcleveland.com/kwr221@aol.com
6:00 until ? Picnic
7:00 - 7:20 Evening Devotion
7:20-8:00 Fellowship and Games
For a map of the park with directions to the Canalside Shelter, go to http://www.monroecounty.gov/Image/GeneseeValleyPark(1).pdf