Tuesday, December 22, 2009
LYO Volleyball and Games Night
for a night of Fellowship, Volleyball and other games.
We'll meet at 7:30 PM until about 10 PM. Come with your Youth Group, bring a friend!
Catch up with old Winter Weekend friends or make new friends.
Please bring a donation of a canned food item or a warm winter accessory (hat, mittens, scarf) to donate to the Food Cupboard and to Maggie's Kids - a Lutheran Urban Ministry on Joseph Avenue that we support in this conference.
We look forward to seeing you there!
How to contact the Winter Weekend Planning Team
How to contact us:
Join us on Facebook - look for the LYO Genesee Finger Lakes Winter Weekend group
Subscribe to Rochester ELCA Youth blog:
Brother Christopher: yfm @atonementrochester.org
Kristin: kwr221@aol.com or office@atonementrochester.org
Phone: 585-442-1018 (the Atonement Office)
LYO WW c/o Atonement Lutheran Church
1900 Westfall Rd
Rochester, NY 14618
Planning Committee:
Laura Kaminsky, Ben Osenbach, Brittany McIntee, Carrie Bartlett, Rainer Schmidt, Ben Specht, Vanessa Tassone, Ben Thompson, Dennis Paulhamus, Will Daubney, Patty Chaffee, Rev. Imani Dodley, Ed Huehn, Stephen Newbury, Joey Rieger, Ian Russell,
Yes, we are opening up Winter Weekend registrations to friends and other church youth groups. Chaperone ratios will still apply, so you’ll have to work with your Youth Group advisors to ensure that there are enough adult chaperones.
Does your church or youth group collaborate with another church in your town? Maybe the Methodist Church, or the Episcopal church… Presbyterian, Reformed Church… tell us how to contact them and we’ll send out a registration packet and information to their youth group. Or maybe you’d like to invite a friend from school or your next door neighbor.
As Lutherans, we often sing a hymn called “We Love to Tell the Story” - sharing this experience is a wonderful way to “tell the story” and invite others to see the impact that your faith has on your life.
Winter Weekend Video Contest!
“How has Christ/ church/ your pastor/ Winter Weekend impacted your life?”
Choose one (or someone else who has impacted you) and make us a video!
You can make an individual video or work with your Youth Group. Have fun with it!
You can use a flip video, I-phone, webcam, or a video camera and show us your stuff, YouTube style. (They will NOT be shown on YouTube, but may be a part of WW slideshows).
You can send videos to
But we don’t care if it’s interview style, movie style, simple or creative, we just want to hear YOUR stories.
Deadline is February 6, 2010.
Calling All Musicians!
Do you play an instrument? Guitar? Tambourines? Trumpet? Spoons? Flute? Anything else? Have a beautiful voice?
We’re looking for youth musicians to play with our musicians during large group worship and praise time at Winter Weekend (March 5-7, 2010).
If you think you might be interested, please contact Will Daubney at wilbercss95@hotmail.com or Dennis Paulhamus at menace7208@earthlink.net
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Captive Free Concert and Dinner
Captive Free is a traveling music ministry. The band travels to churches and youth events to spread the Word through music and testimony.
It's not just a concert, it's ice breakers, games, song, and testimony from a group of talented young people that spend a year traveling to churches across the country spreading the Good News and interacting with youth ministry. They depend on offerings and donations to fund their ministry and to buy gas to get them to the next stop on their journey.
The Captive Free members were hosted by Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Fairport and stayed with the families of the LYO board members.
If you'd like information on how to bring Captive Free to your church, you can find out more here at www.youthencounter.org
About 35 youth enjoyed the pasta dinner and fellowship and about 50 + enjopyed the Captive Free program.
Stay tuned for photos to be added.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Picnic in the Park!
Tuesday, August 18th, 6 PM
Join us at the Canalside Shelter in Genesee Valley Park for a fun get-together. We'll have a potluck picnic, games, biking/walking on the canal path, fellowship and evening devotions.
We’ll provide grilled hotdogs and lemonade, you bring your favorite dish to share.
Just let us know you’re coming by Monday afternoon, so we can buy enough hotdogs! 442-1018/christopher@cjcleveland.com/kwr221@aol.com
6:00 until ? Picnic
7:00 - 7:20 Evening Devotion
7:20-8:00 Fellowship and Games
For a map of the park with directions to the Canalside Shelter, go to http://www.monroecounty.gov/Image/GeneseeValleyPark(1).pdf
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Kingdom Bound
August 3, 2009 KINGDOM BOUND 2009 -- Kingdom Bound 2009, Western New York's premier Christian music festival, is at Darien Lake August 2-5! Kingdom Bound Ministries Inc. exists to present the gospel through a variety of art forms including concerts, outreaches and an annual performing arts festival; to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to encourage believers in their walk with God. http://www.kingdombound.org
We’re organizing youth groups around Rochester to attend on Monday, August 3rd – we’d love to have YOU join us! Tickets for one days admission (including Darien Lake admission) are $49.00. If you have a Darien Lake season pass, you get a $5.00 discount.
Here are the highlights of Monday’s line-up: Relevant Worship, Casting Crowns, and Justin Lookadoo. You can see more info about the artists and speakers on the Kingdom Bound website.
If your youth group is planning to attend, please let Kristin Romell know at kwr221@aol.com or Br. Christopher at yfm@atonementrochester.org.
Yay! for clear skies!
Thank you to Incarnate Word, Our Savior, Atonement and Reformation for having faith and gathering with us in fun and friendship to see the movie.
During the movie, I glanced up at the sky and saw millions, no gazillions of stars. I looked to my left and I could make out the outline of the storm clouds to our north and west and kept one eye on the lightening flashes all through the movie. Thank you God, for keeping the storm at bay.
It's okay, I was confused anyway. I'm a muggle. I've seen some of the movies and read some of the books, so there was a definite gap in my HP knowledge and so I know I missed a lot in the movie. Thank you to Charlyne Hickey for whispering helpful comments during scenes where I was definitely lost.
Since Brother Christopher wasn't able to join us due to a death in the family, I struggled through a devotion based on an article in Christianity Today on the "Gospel according to JK Rowling.
We found references to Matthew 6:21, 1 Corinthians 15:26, and Luke 12:15. Look them up and see if you can them in the Harry Potter books.
Hope you guys can join us next time!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Come meet new friends and walk a mystical path of embodied prayer at this twilight gathering. We’ll have snacks and time for fellowship and personal sharing.
Walking the Labyrinth
• Many people have walked here and amazing things have happened.
• This is a place where people have felt God's love for the first time.
• This is a place where people have cried out to God in despair and found hope.
• This is a place where people have come to celebrate milestones in life.
• This is a place where people have brought questions to God and found direction.
• This is a place where people have confessed sins and found forgiveness.
• This is a place where people have brought tremendous grief and losses and felt peace.
Walkers of the labyrinth experience the reunification of the whole being which moves together on the meandering paths. Since the path of the labyrinth is unicursal—one path leading into the center and back out again—the walker does not need to concentrate on where to go or which way to turn and is not confronted with any intersections or dead-ends. The mind does not shut down, but finds its rhythm with the rest of the person, so that the wisdom of body and heart might also be mined. That alone is a healing experience. By walking the labyrinth, the whole self is brought to prayer.
There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Everyone’s experience is their own, and each labyrinth walk will be experienced differently. Here are some common helpful reminders.
- Begin when you are ready. Do not walk if you do not wish to.
- Bring your whole self into the labyrinth. Don’t check your mind at the entrance, but do not let it dominate your walk. Let spirit, heart, body, and mind be in balance.
- Find your own rhythm and speed, whatever comes naturally or feels right for you.
- Stop whenever or wherever you wish or have a desire or pull to linger in a spot.
- Since the path is unicursal, if you walk with others, you will encounter others along the way, hopefully walking their own rhythm and speed, stopping where they are drawn. Consideration is appreciated and passing is appropriate.
- Generally folks do not speak or touch on the labyrinth. This illustrates that we are both never alone and always alone. Trust the sacred space to take care of you and others. Attend to your journey in order to minimize distractions from and to others.
- Use the center as a resting and reflecting place. You may stay there as long as you wish. Do not leave until you are nudged.
- Pay attention. All that you notice, experience, and hear are possible entry points into meaning. Use all that occurs as material, but let nothing distract. Do not latch on to anything but rather be present to what is. Be open to find God in all things.
- After your walk you may wish to jot down some notes about your experience in a journal.
- You may walk with something specific, or just be present to whatever Spirit is giving.
WHY DO LABYRINTHS WORK? Labyrinths work because when we intentionally enter sacred space, we often bring a willingness to connect with the Holy, to listen to the Holy, and attend to the wounds, stories, and joys of our lives. We are there because we desire to give a hearing to our journey and, at some level, desire transformation.
Another reason the labyrinth is so effective is that it allows us to bring our whole self to prayer and the processes of healing, celebrating, and discernment. We are free from the tyranny of anxiety which often snares us when we approach the movements of our lives from an intellectual perspective.
Even if a major revelation or transformation does not occur while walking a labyrinth, most people report a sense of calming and centering. Little scientific research has been done on the effects of walking a labyrinth; however, the back and forth meander pattern may calm an individual by balancing his or her energy or the activity of the two hemispheres of the brain.
A six-circuit peace labyrinth is located in the backyard of Labyrinth House and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are welcome to come and walk any time a group is not scheduled to use the space. Many folks just stop in and walk on a whim.
For more information, visit the website:
If you'd like to join us, just let us know - either Brother Christopher at yfm@atonementrochester.org or kwr221@aol.com, and meet us at Atonement Lutheran Church at 1900 Westfall Road at 7 PM.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Kingdom Bound
Mark your Calendars - Kingdom Bound 2009 is August 2-5!
Western New York
We’re organizing youth groups around
Tickets for one days admission (including
Here are the highlights of Monday’s line-up that we're especially excited to see:
- Relevant Worship
- Casting Crowns
- Justin Lookadoo
You can see more info about the artists and speakers on the Kingdom Bound website.
W hy is youth and family ministry important?
Faith is always passed on relationally and incarnationally, as God demonstrated in Jesus Christ, God’s ultimate gift to humankind, with the Word made flesh.
Faith is formed by the power of the Holy Spirit through personal, trusted relationships. Virtually all of us can point to adults who were the first voice and hands and face of Jesus in our lives. We can equip all of our adults to become this God-bearer in the lives of children and youth.
The church is a living partnership between the ministry of the congregation and the ministry of the home. The body of Christ is not limited to the building where we worship on Sunday, but is loose in the world, especially evident as we partner congregations and homes to make Christ known.
Where Christ is present in faith, the home is church, too. Home is often the first church for children, where they learn to pray and hear the stories of faith from the people they love most in the world. For those who are not engaged in congregational life, the front door of your congregation may very well be the front doors of the homes of your members. Faith is caught more than it is taught.
Who were the saints who made faith contagious and utterly irresistible to you? How did they do that? Often, it was not by preaching a sermon or having you memorize the Small Catechism, but by loving you, by being the person you wanted to become, by gently sharing that you, too, are beloved of God. If we want Christian children and youth, we need Christian adults and parents. So, we have come full circle. We need to equip adults to be able to have those personal, trusted relationships that the Holy Spirit will use to help children and youth to see Jesus. How will we begin? A friend recently quipped, “Jesus blessed the children and taught the adults. We, in the church, have reversed it.” We need to make sure that we have robust Christian education for all ages and that we connect the generations, so that they will hear one another’s faith stories.
Then, we need to teach all of our adults and youth and children to do the Four Keys for Nurturing Faith, at home, in the congregation, on a walk, in the school cafeteria, in our workplace. These are simple faith practices that can be woven into our everyday life together.
They are:
1. Caring Conversations We need to be available to talk and, especially, to listen to one another. This is the floor under relationships, that allow us to talk about all of the important things in life.
2. Devotions Turn up the faith talk under caring conversations and you have devotions. Help children find themselves in God’s story and
God in their=2 0story. Let Scripture be God’s fresh and living Word for them each day.
3. Rituals and Traditions We all have them; now, just fine tune them to be God-bearing. Light a candle to remind family and friends that we gather around the Light of the World. Make the sign of the cross on each forehead each night, remembering their baptism and God’s love that has claimed them and will not let them go.
4. Service Filled with caring conversation, devotions, rituals and traditions, we are free to pour ourselves out in service, sharing the love of Christ that fills us to overflowing. Make it a part of every day, a natural way of loving God back, not a “got to,” but a “get to.”
God’s in the midst of this shift to Youth and Family Ministry, calling all of us to be about passing on faith in Jesus Christ to all the generations. A friend calls this, “the reformation of our time!”
Picnic in the Park
Tuesday, August 18th, 6 PM until?
Join us at the Canalside Shelter in Genesee Valley Park for a fun get-together. We'll have a potluck picnic, games, biking/walking on the canal path, fellowship and evening devotions.
Watch for more details here and in the GFL Conference Calendar
Drive-In Movie Night
Youth Drive-In Movie Night
Thursday, July 23, 2009 at the Vintage Drive-In
It wouldn
Join us for one or both movies (double-feature, one price). We'll meet up and park near each other and share fellowship and devotions before the movie starts.
Contact office@atonementrochester for more details.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Rochester Red Wings!
5th Annual Thrivent Lutheran Night at the RedWings.
Picnic 5-6 PM, Gametime 6:05 PM
Adults $13.00 Youth 4-12 $5.00
Game only, no picnic is $2.50 Reservations by July 5th.
This is a fundraiser for the Thrivent Habitat House.
for more info call Frank Dutt 671-2250 or fd516md@rochester.rr.com
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Open to all
I'd like to be able to use this site as well as facebook to help churches, youth and their youth groups keep in touch.
Teach Your Kids to Share Event
THRIVENT "Teach Your Kids to Share Day"
Thrivent* is sponsoring a nationwide "Teach Your Kids to Share Day" on Friday, April 24th, from 5:30-9:00 PM.
The Rochester Chapter is hosting the event at the Rochester Museum and Science Center. The workshops will focus on teaching kids (ages 6-10) a value-based approach to money management.
Families (for a cost of $10.00) can look forward to dinner, activities, educational materials and prizes as well as partaking of the full museum experience. You do NOT have to be a member of Thrivent to join in the fun and no products or services will be sold.
To register, visit http://tinyurl.com/thriventregistration or call 800-236-3736. A $10 per family registration fee includes dinner, activities and educational materials.
Volunteers are needed to assist in this event. If you would like to help; please contact Joel Slesak at 314-1535 (cell) or 1-888-207-5413 (office) by April 1st.
(This would be a great way to serve the church - maybe get some volunteer community service hours for church or school - maybe a great Youth Group project)
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a Fortune 500 financial services membership organization helping approximately 2.6 million members achieve their financial goals and give back to their communities.
Thrivent Financial and its affiliates offer a broad range of financial products and services including life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, disability income insurance, bank products and more.
As a not-for-profit organization, Thrivent Financial sponsors national outreach programs and activities that support congregations, schools, charitable organizations and individuals in need. For more information, visit www.thrivent.com.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Winter Weekend!
Despite the rain, we all had a wonderful experience at Rotary Sunshine camp for the 2009 Winter Weekend!
if you've got pics you'd like to share, please send them to office @atonementrochester.org and I'll make sure they're included.
What were some of your highlights?
Large group messages?
family small group discussions?
the dance?
the limbo contest?
Thank you to Pastor Justin and the planning team for all your hard work!
Monday, January 19, 2009
MLK Sledding at Ellison Park
Stephen Newbury wipes out!
Trudging up the hill.
Pastor Imani on the way down.
Elizabeth, Katelyn, and Anjelica
Daniel Newbury gaining speed.
Emma snowboarding.
Austin on the way up with a smile.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Who's Going to the ELCA Youth Gathering?
2009 ELCA Youth Gathering E-News | ||
Registration for the Gathering is now closed | ||
36,650 young people and adults are registered and preparing to participate in Jesus Justice Jazz. |
WiNter WEeKenD
March 6-8, 2009 is the LYO Winter Weekend at Rotary Camp Sunshine in Rush.
Pastor Justin Johnson from St. Timothy's in Geneseo is working with a group on the planning - any questions, contact him at sttimpastor@yahoo.com
The theme this year called “LiViNg LiFe iN a PrEsSuRe CoOkEr.” The weekend will be focused on stresses of the world, in school, and at home. The message that will be lifted up is that we are not alone in our struggles, but have Christ with us always.
Registrations and a great promotional CD have been mailed out to congregations in the Genesee Finger Lakes Conference. The sign-up deadline is February 16th!
LYO VoLLeyBall NiGhT
Thanks to your generosity, we collected:
- 30 hats
- 6 scarves and
- 20 pairs of gloves and mittens.
These, along with almost $30 will be given to Sister Maggie and the Community Lutheran Ministry on Joseph Avenue.
Over 35 Youth and their Advisors from Our Savior in Chili, Immanuel in Webster, Incarnate Word, Reformation, Christ the Good Shepherd and All Saint's Anglican came out for Volleyball, Twister, Jenga, board games and snacks.
The wonder promotional CD of Winter Weekend highlights was shown throughout the evening and hopefully will be shown at your local churches to drum up excitement and and answer questions about Winter Weekend.
WiNteR WEeKenD dates are March 6-8, 2009 and registration packets have been sent to all churches.