Monday, June 15, 2009

Kingdom Bound


Mark your Calendars - Kingdom Bound 2009 is August 2-5!

Western New York's premier Christian music festival at Darien Lake. Kingdom Bound Ministries Inc. exists to present the gospel through a variety of art forms including concerts, outreaches and an annual performing arts festival; to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to encourage believers in their walk with God.

We’re organizing youth groups around Rochester to attend on Monday, August 3rd – we’d love to have YOU join us! Get in touch with your youth group and tell them you want to go! We'll coordinate details about meeting up at the park.

Tickets for one days admission (including Darien Lake admission) are $49.00 If you have a Darien Lake season pass, you get a $5.00 discount.

Here are the highlights of Monday’s line-up that we're especially excited to see:

  • Relevant Worship
  • Casting Crowns
  • Justin Lookadoo

You can see more info about the artists and speakers on the Kingdom Bound website.

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